Acting for the energy transition


Sector: Self-consumption / Location: Madagascar (Ilakaka)

Project display

The project concerns M-STORE, a family-owned company from the SEEM Group (the Madagascar Water and Electricity Company), whose main activity is the “electrification of rural areas in different municipalities”, including ILAKAKA, known as the one of the largest sapphire farms.
This will be the installation of a photovoltaic system in shadow or on the ground. It will allow the company to:
• Improve the cost of producing energy.
• Improve the Carbone impact of energy production.
• Benefit from a means of production adapted to one of the sunniest regions of Madagascar.





Location: Andohan’ILAKAKA
Reason: Energy independence
Objective: Production of cheaper energy
Area of the facility: 2100 m²
Power: 300 kWp

Economic data of the project

Kwh / Kwc production: 1600

Annual production: 480 000 KWh minimum

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Executive planning

Project Manager: Madagascar CAPSUD Group
Provisional start of works: February / March 2018
Commissioned (Consuel deadline): May 2018

Surface & location of power plants

That is a total area of 2100 m² of photovoltaic material, representing:


– 221 tones of CO2 avoided per year
– The annual energy consumption of 533 inhabitants

Solstice Groupe - Logo Supports Solstice Groupe - Manentena Foundation